

At Grinnell, you won’t be handed a blueprint. 但这是你必须处理的.

博雅基金会. 个人建议课程. 创新和创造力. 的se are the major components that will make up your Grinnell academic experience. 而是它们是如何活过来的, 以及它们的具体形式, will be a combination of the following experiences and opportunities you build for yourself. 意思是,这取决于你和你的导师. Explore the experiences below and you’ll start to see what your four years of intellectual freedom and guided support could look like.

  • tutorial class - 11 students in Goodnow Hall



    It’s technically the only required class outside of your major, but calling Tutorial “required” doesn’t quite do it justice. 从35个不同的主题中选择一个, 你会写出犀利的文字, 批判性思维的, 以及演讲技巧, 说出自己的心声, 清晰真实.

  • 教授听学生讲课



    Behind every Grinnellian’s success is a set of life-changing mentors. 教授. 同行. 教练. 导师. 球迷. 人 who encourage you to ask more questions and inspire you to dive deeper. Find the guidance and support you need for finding your own answers.

  • student presents research poster to faculty


    Mentored Advanced Projects and Independent 研究

    Our culture of research and collaboration cuts across all academic disciplines. 早在第一年就开始了, you can work closely with accomplished faculty in their ongoing research endeavors, complete 研究项目 in your courses, and explore the possibilities of your own academic inquiries. You might go on to conduct a semester-long research project, or pursue original creative work of your own design. Our Mentored Advanced Projects program lets you do exactly that, either here or beyond campus.

Our deep curiosities invite us to better understand the world.

我们花了很长时间帮助那些需要帮助的人. We pull on the muck boots and head out into the wetland. We learn new languages to land the internship overseas. 我们迷失在图书馆索引中, and find ourselves looking up at the work of the architectural legends. Simply put, the Grinnell academic experience goes way beyond what gets printed on your diploma. This is you taking an active role in your own education. Here, that means in a way that’s cross-disciplinary, career-oriented, and for the greater good.


  • Global Health excursion to Kronborg Castle in Denmark


    At Grinnell, global understanding goes beyond a single experience. 每一个地方, 每一个时间点, 每一种文化, brings with a unique point of view and version of the human experience. 在校园, Grinnellians study these experiences and use them as lenses for approaching our disciplines, 社区, 以及我们对他人的影响. You’ll have access to global programs for language development, 跨文化交流, 社区参与, for here or wherever your studies take you.

  • 古巴的一群学生和教师


    When your class gets very specific — like discussing methods for preparing an exhibition of Haitian artists— it might just call for a trip to their studios in Miami. 通过课程嵌入式旅行, you can travel for 7 to 14 days with expert faculty to dive into a particular subject. Many 200- and 300-level courses get into international perspectives, which may be perfect opportunities to travel to a related site, 在美国.S. or abroad, either during a break or over the summer.

  • 《老友记》片场的学生


    Whether you’re checking out the startup scene in Silicon Valley or studying human rights and international relations in New York City, 徒步旅行重新定义了实地考察. 的se excursions let you get a feel what’s really happening on the ground floor of all types of organizations, 行业, 今天的生态系统.

  • Luc Moisan at his Grinnellink internship at the Eldridge Street Museum in Brooklyn, N.Y.


    获得并应用新技能. 获得不可替代的经验. Uncover a fresh perspective and turn meaningful connections into a powerful professional network. For these reasons and more, internships are a critical part of your experience at Grinnell. By the time you’re ready to go out into the real world, you’ll have plenty of mentors and workplaces waiting for you.

  • 余瑞林,朱丽叶·托雷斯,尼尔·弗莱明


    For as few as three days or as long as two weeks, externships give you the chance to test out career fields, 探索不同行业的差异, 建立一个更大的网络.

  • Two students make bird feeders out of pinecones


    职业、生活和服务中心 offers you opportunities to apply your classroom conversations to real, systemic social problems that face 社区 today. 与教师合作, we work with about 100 organizations in our local, 区域, 以及全球社区. 的se endeavors can even grow into paid employment opportunities, 研究项目, 以及职业定义经验.


Maddie McCabe '22(视频剧照)


Listen to students share their perspective on Grinnell's individually advised curriculum.


What kinds of classes will I take in college?

大卫·哈德森,23岁, bet36体育投注足彩网大学招生实习生, goes behind the scenes with 康纳·斯坦菲尔德,21岁 to ask the questions that college applicants often have, 但不知道该问谁.

Chaz Del Mar '22, Harvest大学哲学专业的学生, AL, sits in a well-lit room and warmly talks to the camera. Behind him are three chairs that face each other, a bookshelf with pottery on top, and an art piece.


Grinnellians share how they can explore their interests in class and through research.

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